Easy Genesis (formerly Genesis Simple Customizations)

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About Easy Genesis (formerly Genesis Simple Customizations)

Easily make many customizations and setting changes to your Genesis-powered site, without having to write custom code.






updated: 8 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Doug Yuen


The Easy Genesis plugin allows you to make many customizations and setting changes to your Genesis-powered site, without having to write custom code. You must be using version 2.2 or higher of the Genesis theme framework.

IMPORTANT: Easy Genesis 2.2 and 2.3 Updates

  • Fixed deprecated function bug causing conflict with Beaver Builder
  • Fixed bug with upgrade not saving old settings (If you upgraded to version 2.0 or 2.1, and saved any settings, you may need to redo some settings. If you are upgrading from a previous version you won’t have to worry about this.)
  • Fixed bug with featured image icons not showing up


  • Changed plugin name to Easy Genesis
  • Changed backend menu location to top-level instead of under Genesis menu
  • Introduced free extension – Pages
  • Introduced premium extensions – Extras and Blog
  • Removed featured image support on pages and display category descriptions, since these are part of Genesis now
  • Combined Read More links into one option
  • Added new features: custom favicon, custom default gravatar, custom image sizes
  • Requires Genesis 2.2 or higher
  • Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 4.4.2

Options Available:

  • Remove “(Edit)” Link from Frontend
  • Display Featured Image on Pages
  • Display Featured Image on Posts
  • Custom Search Box Text
  • Custom Search Button Text
  • Custom “Read More” Text
  • Custom After Post Code (shortcodes allowed)
  • Remove Post Info (above content)
  • Remove Post Meta (below content)
  • Remove Footer Entirely
  • Remove Secondary Navigation from Top of Header
  • Add Secondary Navigation to Bottom of Header
  • Remove Genesis Favicon
  • Custom Favicon (URL)
  • Custom Default Gravatar (URL)
  • Custom Google Fonts (URL)
  • Add Custom Image Sizes

Free Extension: Easy Genesis – Pages Extension

This extension allows you to universally remove titles across your pages, and display the featured image (if there is one) at the top of your pages. You may need to write custom CSS to style the featured image the way you want.

Premium Extension: Easy Genesis – Extras Extension

This extension allows you to customize the display of your navigation menus, add content to the beginning and end of your navigation, edit your footer, force sidebar layouts for different page templates, and customize your breadcrumbs.

Premium Extension: Easy Genesis – Blog Extension

This extension allows you to make changes to your post info, post meta, in-post navigation text, archive navigation text, display featured images, display content above your blog page template, and more.

Coming Soon:

  • Comments extension
  • Featured image styling in the Pages and Blog extensions

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