Geo-Captcha & Geo-Blacklist

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About Geo-Captcha & Geo-Blacklist

Geo-Captcha shows a captcha image only to countries you don't trust. Geo-Blacklists allows you to disable comments for some countries.






updated: 12 years ago
since: 12 years ago
author: Deformed Design


If you have used the old Geo-Captcha plugin please completly uninstall it (the form is on the main page of the plugin)
and remove the plugins files. Geo-Captcha & Geo-Blacklist ist fully based on the old Geo-Captcha plugin but is not
compatible with it and uses new names for options and databases!

There are a lot of ways to prevent spam. One that is still pretty often used is to let your readers type a code from a
captcha image to a textbox. Geo-Captcha uses the same technic but you can define a whitelist with countries. People from
this countries will not be forced to enter the captcha code. You can also define a blacklist which prevents people from
some countries from posting any comments.

The location of the visitors is checked using the GeoLite Country-Library from MaxMind (
The captcha image is generated using SecurImage from drew010 (