Hero for Gravity Forms

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About Hero for Gravity Forms

Enhance Gravity Forms with date filters, unique IDs, date picker animations and more.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 1 year ago
author: Toro Guapo


Hero is an add-on to Gravity Forms which provides essential features and adds extra functionality.


  • Date Filters. You can use date filters to enable or disable calendar dates such as past dates, weekends, holidays, or any other specific dates.
  • Time Zones. When using a date picker, you need to be aware of time zones if you expect global visitors. Hero adds time zone support to date fields.
  • Date Picker Animations. Hero gives you control over which animation to play when opening a date picker.
  • Date Picker Highlights. You can use Hero to highlight today’s date on the calendar.
  • Read Only Date Inputs. With Hero, you can disallow manual edits of date inputs and only allow date inputs to be filled by a date picker.
  • Unique IDs. When you need to create coupon codes, reference numbers, or anything that needs to be random as well as unique, you can use unique IDs.
  • Random IDs. When you just need to generate random characters, you can use random IDs.