Rest API For Cross Platform Support with Gravity Forms

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About Rest API For Cross Platform Support with Gravity Forms

Rest API For Cross Platform Support with Gravity Forms plugin allows users to create a custom API that will extend the functionality of gravity forms …






updated: 6 months ago
since: 2 years ago


Rest API For Cross Platform Support with Gravity Forms plugin allows users to create a custom API that will extend the functionality of gravity forms to add entries of cross platforms forms like React and AngularJs.

This will provide generated API links and a dataset which will be useful to cross-platform developers to send data to WordPress.


  • Users can generate form-wise API custom endpoint name.
  • Users can easily copy API link and dataset to share with cross-platform developers.
  • Refresh button provided to regenerate dataset when any changes are made in form fields.
  • Dataset contains all required information related to fields used in Gravity Form.
  • Support for png, jpg, jpeg, pdf, doc, and docx file type.
  • Blog posts can be created using this plugin from cross-platform.


  • Go to the particular gravity form setting tab, You will find Generate API tab.
  • Enter the API name and click on Generate API button to create API and dataset.
  • Copy API link and dataset to use on cross-platform.
  • When any changes are made on Gravity Form, use Refresh Button in Generate API tab to regenerate the dataset.