Google Reader Stats

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About Google Reader Stats

This plugin adds the Google Reader Stats (+1 count/View count) to your blog posts.






updated: 12 years ago
since: 14 years ago
author: Reza Moallemi


This plugin adds the Google Reader Stats to your blog. GRS measures the +1s and views count of each blog feed item on Google Reader and displays it on your blog . The GRS Widget enables readers to easily see the blog’s best content, with the highest overall +1s or views on Google Reader.

Put the <?php if (function_exists( 'the_grs_plusones' )) the_grs_plusones(); ?> code for post +1s and <?php if (function_exists( 'the_grs_views' )) the_grs_views(); ?> for post views in your template files (index.php, single.php, archive.php) to show +1/view count.


What’s New in version 1.4

* Add Support for new google reader interface and fetures
* Add Support for Google +1
* Improve Graph performance for viewing feed stats