We'll create fresh WordPress site with GPX Viewer installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Displays a GPX track as segmented polylines, the way points and the elevation profile.
Open Street Map (OSM) is used as background which can be switched between a plane view and a topographic one.
The view can be changed to full screen mode. Moving the cursor over the elevation profile the corresponding point is marked on the path interactively.
GPX tracks uploaded to the server in advance are stored into separate repositories that are ordered according to the categories setup in wordpress.
Thus different collections of tracks can be handled and the tracks choosen from.
During upload a GPX track can be smoothed and/or its elevation data replaced by Open-Elevation Service data.
The latter is provided because many elevation data tracked by mobiles are not quite correct.
GPX trackpoints can be edited on the map interactively.
in the GPX file)