If you are looking for the easiest way to implement server-side tracking on your WordPress website, the GTM Server Side plugin by stape.io is the best solution. It helps to easily modify the gtm script with the tagging server URL, adds a custom loader, and sends data layer events and webhooks.
GTM Server Side plugin by stape.io features:
- Add web Google Tag Manager script on every website page.
- Work with any other WP plugin that inserts gtm script on the website.
- Adds custom loader, which makes Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics tracking invisible to ad blockers and other tracking prevention mechanisms.
- Sends events to GTM server side without any js library and optimizes page speed.
- Adds e-commerce Data Layer events.
- Adds user data to Data Layer events.
- Sends webhooks.
Benefits of GTM Server Side plugin by stape.io:
- Increase cookies lifetime when using a custom domain for server Google Tag Manager container.
- Increases the accuracy of tracking when the custom loader is enabled.
- Simplifies the process of adding GTM script on the website and delivering e-commerce and user data.