Hayona Cookie Consent

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About Hayona Cookie Consent

A straightforward plugin to comply with the EU cookie law, including implied consent.






updated: 8 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Hayona


Add a cookie banner

Insert a simple banner on your website to inform users about the cookies you are using on your site. Users can give consent, or they can choose to block all or specific cookies.

Place sensitive cookies after consent has been given

Cookies that require consent will not be placed before consent has been given. This feature is essential to comply with the EU cookie law. Sadly, this is the part where many other cookie banner plugins fall short.

Of course, cookies which do not require consent are placed immediately.

Privacy settings

Users can adjust their privacy settings at any time through a small form on your site. Even after they have given consent.

Built for speed

Caching plugins will not interfere with the Hayona Cookie Consent plugin.

Implied consent (optional)

When you enable implied consent, clicking to the next page will count as consent; cookies are placed and the banner disappears.

Google Tag Manager

This plugin does not handle the actual loading of tracking scripts but uses Google Tag Manager. Read more about this in the FAQ.


Read the installation page for a step by step guide.

About the cookie law in the EU

Compliance with the EU cookie law comes down to three basic steps:

  1. Make sure you know exactly which cookies your site sets, what they are used for and if they are privacy sensitive, which means that they contain personal identifiable information (PII).
  2. Inform your visitors precisely how you use cookies.
  3. Obtain the visitor’s consent and give them some control over their preferences.

Read the installation page for more information.

Detect your cookies

This plugin uses Google Tag Manager to place tracking scripts / cookies. Therefore the plugin itself does not block scripts that you have placed directly in your website. This includes all default youtube videos and many social media buttons. Here are some suggestions on how to work around this issue:

  • Enable privacy mode when embedding a YouTube video. This way the embedded video will not place cookies.
  • Do not use social media share buttons that place cookies. This includes many well-known solutions like the Facebook like button and the AddThis toolbar.
  • We suggest that you use the ghostery browser add-on to measure which other cookies are placed on your website.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Implementing this plugin will NOT automatically make your website in compliance with the EU cookie law. It gives you all the functionality you need, but you will have to use it correctly.


Thanks to David from Admin Columns for his technical review and advice.


We currently have support for two languages: English and Dutch. Would you like to help translating this plugin? Please contact us trough this page.


Development for this plugin takes place at GitHub. Please let us know if you have any feature requests / bugs or if you would like to contribute.