We'll create fresh WordPress site with Head Meta Data installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Head Meta Data (HMD) improves the definition and semantic quality of your web pages by adding a custom set of <meta>
tags to the <head>
section of your web pages.
Basic Example
Display any set of custom meta tags for your site:
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="abstract" content="Obsessive Web Development">
<meta name="author" content="Perishable">
<meta name="classification" content="Website Design">
<meta name="copyright" content="Copyright Perishable Press - All rights Reserved.">
<meta name="designer" content="Monzilla Media">
<meta name="language" content="EN-US">
<meta name="publisher" content="Perishable Press">
<meta name="rating" content="General">
<meta name="resource-type" content="Document">
<meta name="revisit-after" content="3">
<meta name="subject" content="WordPress, Web Design, Code & Tutorials">
<meta name="template" content="Awesome Theme">
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow">
<!-- plus you can add your own custom tags! -->
SEO Example
Use shortcodes to dynamically output SEO meta tags:
<title>[hmd_post_title] | Your Awesome Website</title>
<meta name="description" content="[hmd_post_excerpt]">
This outputs dynamic titles and descriptions, useful for SEO. You also can add custom meta tags and markup on specific posts and pages. Check out Installation for more infos.
section of all pagesPro version coming soon! 🙂
Shortcodes enable you to include dynamic bits of information in your meta tags. Head Meta Data currently provides the following shortcodes:
— post excerpt[hmd_post_date]
— post date[hmd_post_author]
— post author name[hmd_post_title]
— post title[hmd_post_cats]
— post categories[hmd_post_tags]
— post tags[hmd_year]
— current year[hmd_tab]
— adds tab space to markupSo you can display your own set of customized meta tags exactly as desired. See the Installation section for more information about the HMD shortcodes!
More Info
Head Meta Data is designed to complete a site’s head construct by including some of the more obscure meta tags, such as “author”, “copyright”, “designer”, and so forth. As a matter of practicality, the more widely used tags such as “description” and “keywords” have been omitted, as they are already included via wide variety of plugins (such as “All in One SEO”) in a more dynamic way. Even so, adding “description”, “keyword”, or any other tags is easy from the plugin’s settings page.
This plugin does not collect or store any user data. It does not set any cookies, and it does not connect to any third-party locations. Thus, this plugin does not affect user privacy in any way.
Head Meta Data is developed and maintained by Jeff Starr, 15-year WordPress developer and book author.
Support development
I develop and maintain this free plugin with love for the WordPress community. To show support, you can make a donation or purchase one of my books:
And/or purchase one of my premium WordPress plugins:
Links, tweets and likes also appreciated. Thanks! 🙂