WordPress Horizontal Full Categories – ByREV

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About WordPress Horizontal Full Categories – ByREV

Categories Wordpress Plugin ~ Show top level categories and children of categories in horizontal table mode






updated: 11 years ago
since: 13 years ago


Categories WordPress Plugin ~ Show top level categories and children of categories in horizontal table mode

ByREV Fast Category Cloud Features:

  • HTML code and CSS Cache Result. For fast loading and use less resources (default timeout cache = 360s)
  • Inser CSS in header blog. Result is fewer requests to the server, site load faster
  • Exclude category with empty posts
  • Exclude categories option list (by ID)
  • Ability to use a custom CSS code
  • Can change the default CSS properties (color, backgrounds, borders)
  • Management setup menu

Highly optimized for speed and memory

  • Plugin is divided in two files: 1’st file used by inserting PHP code in template pages, and 2’nd file is used in the WordPress configuration page.
  • Both files are under 100 lines of code, each have exactly 96 lines each.
  • Cache help to increase speed, conserve CPU resources and reduce requests to MySQL server
  • foreach syntax is not used (only for). Less memory used and a higher execution speed.
  • Where array variables are used repeatedly, pointer variables are used to increase execution speed.