We'll create fresh WordPress site with Hyper Cache installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Hyper Cache is a cache plugin specifically written to get the maximum speed for your WordPress blog.
It can be used in low resources hosting as well on high end servers.
Hyper Cache is purely PHP and works on every blog: no complex configurations are needed and when you deactivate it no stale settings are left around.
Mobile detection server side and serving different content to mobile and desktop device is now obsolete.
Every modern WP theme deals with mobile/desktop contexts using the media queries, progressive enhancement and so on.
So I don’t see the need to keep the mobile/desktop cache separation and all the overhead in the plugin. The feature will be removed as version 3.5.
Short list of features:
More can be read on the Hyper Cache official page.
You can further optimize the blog installing Autoptimize which cleans up the HTML, minifies and concatenates CSS and JavaScript.
Other plugins by Stefano Lissa: