Hyper PWA

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About Hyper PWA

Provide Manifest and Service Worker, convert WordPress into Progressive Web Apps (PWA).






updated: 1 year ago
since: 3 years ago
author: Rickey Gu


Hyper PWA plugin is developed based on web.dev and Workbox, provides Manifest and Service Worker — it converts WordPress into Progressive Web Apps (PWA). Users can add a website as an App icon to their mobile deveice Home Screen, can even use it during Offline Mode. It is compatible with OneSignal and Firebase, website owner can send Push Notifications to the App.

* Include Workbox Strategies
* Include Offline Fallback Page
* Include Default Handler
* Include Precaching
* Include Periodic Background Sync
* Include Background Sync
* Include Google Analytics
* Include Update Prompt
* Include Console Debug Log
* Provide Manifest
* Provide Service Worker
* Support Publish to App Stores
* Support Add to Home Screen
* Support Work in Offline Mode
* Support Push Notifications
* Compatible with AMP
* Compatible with OneSignal
* Compatible with Firebase


This plugin is relying on a 3rd party Software as a Service — FlexPlat: https://flexplat.com to generate Manifest and Service Workers related files. The Terms and Conditions is located at: https://flexplat.com/terms-and-conditions/

In detail, to make PWA working, end users will ask your website to provide Manifest and Service Workers related files:
* hyper-pwa-register.js
* hyper-pwa-service-worker.html
* hyper-pwa-service-worker.js
* hyper-pwa-manifest.json
* hyper-pwa-unregister.js
* hyper-pwa-offline.html
Inside of producing these files within my plugin, my plugin will send necessary parameters to FlexPlat, FlexPlat will build the Service Workers related files based on the received parameters, and return these files to your website. Then my plugin forwards these files to end users.

Open Issue



  1. https://flexplat.com


  1. WordPress Plugins Libraries: https://wordpress.org/plugins/hyper-pwa/


Go to your website Dashboard Hyper PWA section for detail.

Custom Development

If your website is complex, such as WooCommerce, Learning Management System (LMS), Online Booking/Reservation System, and want to have a personalized/customized Manifest and/or Service Worker solution, so different pages can have different routing strategies, different resources have different recipe configuration, different accounts have different precaching list, everyday has a new periodic background sync list… we can do the custom PWA development for you. It is a premium service. Please send an email to me, so we can have more communication.


Author: Rickey Gu
Web: https://flexplat.com
Email: [email protected]