IB Refer Me

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About IB Refer Me

Get a Referral link by submitting a simple Referral Form.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 1 year ago
author: iB Softs


This plugin gives you two shortcodes to implement in the website.

  • Referral Form Layout – [ib_referral_form]
  • Simple Custom Form – [ib_contact_form] Comes with a hidden Referral ID.

It tracks all referral entries in the backend.

How to use

The referral system can be used as follows:
* Step 1: Begin with importing the referral shortcode [ib_referral_form] on the desired page.
* Step 2: Create a contact page and use our contact form shortcode [ib_contact_form].
* Step 3: Fill Referral form and submit it.
* Step 4: A popup will appear having the unique referral link. This can be simply opened or copied or shared later.
* Step 5: Clicking the link will open the contact page with our contact form with a hidden referral ID.