ImageEngine Optimizer CDN – Convert to WebP & AVIF

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About ImageEngine Optimizer CDN – Convert to WebP & AVIF

ImageEngine’s Image CDN plugin accelerates your WordPress or WooCommerce performance by optimizing images, converting them to WebP, JPEG2000, or AVIF, …






updated: 1 year ago
since: 4 years ago
author: imageengine


ImageEngine’s Image CDN plugin accelerates your WordPress or WooCommerce performance by optimizing images, converting them to WebP, JPEG2000, or AVIF, and delivering them through the ImageEngine content delivery network. The result is smaller image payload, faster page loading, improved Google PageSpeed Insights scores (Speed Index, Largest Contentful Paint, Time to Interactive), and a better user experience leading to more conversions or sales. To use this plugin with the ImageEngine Optimizer CDN, get a free trial account here.

How ImageEngine Works

This plugin rewrites your image URLs to include the ImageEngine Delivery Address you recieve when you sign up for an ImageEngine account. This rewrite will allow ImageEngine to access your original images, instantly optimize and convert them, and deliver via the ImageEngine CDN. After configuring and enabling the plug in, image are delivered this way:

  • When a visitor requests an image, ImageEngine CDN servers use client hints or device detection to identify the requesting devices and browser characteristics.
  • Based on the browser characteristics, ImageEngine will resize, compress and convert images to WebP, JPEG 2000, or AVIF.
  • The optimized image is delivered from the nearest ImageEngine CDN region. Subsequent requests are served instantly with WebP, JPEG 2000, or AVIF images and stored on ImageEngine’s global CDN.

Other static content like fonts, CSS and JavaScript are also optimized by applying Brotli or gzip compression which dramatically reduces that size of heavy WordPress themes.

What Makes ImageEngine Better Than Other CDNs or Digital Asset Management Platforms?

  • Delivers optimized WebP, JPEG 2000, or AVIF images 30% faster than other CDNs or Digital Asset Management platforms.
  • Achieves up to 80% image payload reduction with no perceptible change in quality.
  • Simple to install. Easy to test your configuration before enabling it. No need to move or upload images.
  • Only CDN with true device-aware edge servers to drive superior, fine-tuned image optimization.
  • Automatic image optimization of JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG, BMP, TIFF into next-generation formats like WebP, JPEG 2000, AVIF, Animated WebP, or MP4. You can also safely serve non-image content like CSS, Javascript, Fonts and any other files through ImageEngine and they will be served using the cutting-edge Brotli compression, decreasing Total Blocking Time and Time to Interactive.
  • Delivers via its scalable global CDN network, with support for HTTPS, HTTP/2, WAF, and DDoS protection.

Support Resources

Pricing Plans

You can get started with ImageEngine easily with a free, no credit card required, 30 day trial. We offer three plans:

  • Basic – $49/month. Up to 100 GB per month of optimized image payload. Includes HTTPs, advanced control panes, performance statistics, and email support
  • Standard – $99/month. Up to 250 GB per month. Includes 3 custom domains (CNAME) with HTTPS support. Priority onboarding support.
  • Pro – pricing scales with usage volume. WAF with DDoS protection. Dedicated edge servers available. Ticketed enterprise support. Contact us.

Features & benefits

  • Maximize web performance by automatically serving optimized WebP, JPEG 2000, or AVIF images from a CDN
  • Set the WordPress directories that should be included
  • Custom filters “image_cdn_url” and “image_cdn_html” included
  • Define excluded directories or extensions
  • Enable or disable HTTPS support
  • Turn on or off quickly without deactivating the plugin
  • Test the CDN integration before saving your changes to make sure it will work properly
  • Supports ImageEngine Directives. Users of ImageEngine can also configure the Directives for their assets to control image quality, automatic format conversion and automatic image resizing.
  • Compatible with the WordPress Cache Enabler plugin.
  • Compatible with WooCommerce, Gutenberg, Elementor, WPBakery, Visual Composer, Oxygen Builder, Divi and other popular page builders.

System Requirements

  • PHP >=5.6
  • WordPress >=4.6


Note: this plugin was based on the CDN Enabler plugin, but has diverged and will not track it.