Image Viewer is a versatile WordPress plugin that provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface for viewing images. With various customization options and features, including zooming, panning, and fullscreen mode, it offers a seamless and immersive image viewing experience for your website visitors
Four types of image view: Zoom, Magnify, Map, and Rotation.
Zoom Options: Enable/disable Pan, Zoom, X Axis, And Y Axis; Set Start Scale and Step.
Magnify Options: Adjust Speed and Timeout.
Map Options: Add multiple items and set links.
Rotation Options: Set Width and Height, Enable/disable auto rotation, Adjust auto rotate speed, Hide controls.
How to use
First install the Image viewer plugin
Add the Image viewer block from the block category called “Widgets” in Gutenberg editor.
You can change block settings from the right-side settings sidebar.