We'll create fresh WordPress site with Indeed API installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Provides shortcode tags that help integrate a WordPress site with the
indeed.com job search engine.
The plugin uses jQuery for the form events and AJAX calls to perform the job
search so you must have a wp_enqueue_script(“jquery”); in your theme
header.php file to ensure jQuery is loaded.
Use of the indeed.com API requires attribution so there is a shortcode tag,
[indeedattribution] that must be included somewhere in the pages that utilize
the indeed.com API.
In this example the attribution, stylesheet, form, search results and a Post A Job link are
created in a WordPress page in four lines of shortcodes and HTML.
<a href=”[indeedpostjoburl]”>Post A Job</a>
No attributes
This shortcode will include the indeed search stylesheet in your page to
control the appearance of the form and results.
This shortcode will include the indeed.com search form on the page.
This shortcode includes a div tag that is used to display the search results
using an AJAX call.
This shortcode will produce an URL pointing to the indeed.com post a job page
used for your affiliate job postings.
This shortcode will include the indeed.com attribution HTML, this is a
requirement with the use of the indeed.com API.
No notes.