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About Affiliater

Indonesia Affiliater, Products Database to display Products from Online Shop Database and display them with your affiliate ID.






updated: 7 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Daniel Fernando


With Indonesia Affiliater you are able to add online shop products into your posts or pages.


  • Show products by category
  • Show or Hide product description per shortcode
  • Set the number of products you would like to display per shortcode
  • Choose between one, two or three columns mode

The plugin uses a shortcode that you can easily insert into your posts, wherever you would like to.
A sample shortcode [Affiliater category=’Micro Secure Digital / Micro SD Card’ description=’yes’ column=’2′ maxitem=’4′]
will return 4 items in 2 columns, with product decription and products should be in ‘Micro Secure Digital / Micro SD Card’ category.
Products Database is taken from my servers which update data frequently.
Complete shortcode such as [affiliater filtertype=’category’ filter=’exact’ sort=’latest’ category=’Micro Secure Digital / Micro SD Card’ description=’yes’ column=’2′ maxitem=’4′ title=’My Products’] and its explanation will be available once the plugin is installed.

Running Examples :

For quick response, write to [email protected] and provide your running shop/web/blog URL and your valid email.