Integrate Instamojo with Gravity Forms

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About Integrate Instamojo with Gravity Forms

With the Gravity Forms Instamojo Add-On, you can easily accept payments from over different payment methods, making it a great fit for any business wa …






updated: 1 year ago
since: 1 year ago
author: Scrippter


With the Gravity Forms Instamojo Add-On, you can easily accept payments from over different payment methods, making it a great fit for any business wanting to sell products or services to their customers.


The Gravity Forms Instamojo Add-On is packed with features and functionality, enabling you to take payments on your WordPress website. These include…

  1. One Time Payment – Capture payments with Instamojo Add-On when a form is submitted.
  2. Subscription – Create recurring subscription from your customers using Gravity Forms.
  3. Success / Failure Page – Redirect completed or failed payment customers on your WordPress custom pages.


  1. Go to Gravity Forms → Forms → Settings → Instamojo
  2. Add New Instamojo Feeds Settings for your Gravity Forms.


  1. Feed Name – Add Feed Name for your Gravity Forms.
  2. API Key and Auth Token – API Key and Auth Token can be generated on the Integration Page. Related support article: How do I get my API Key and Auth Token?
  3. Environment – Live or Test – If Test mode is enabled, you can use Test API Key and Auth Token to test payments. Note that in this case you should use API Key and Auth Token from the test account and not from the live account.
  4. Payment Amount – Payment Amount for your Gravity Forms.
  5. Success and Failure Page – Redirect completed and failed payment customers on your WordPress custom pages.
  6. Billing Name, Email and Phone – Billing settings for your Gravity Forms.
  7. Conditional Logic – Optional Conditional Logic settings for your Gravity Forms.


  1. WordPress v3.9.2 or later
  2. Gravity Forms v1.9.3 or later
  3. PHP v5.6.0 or later
  4. PHP Curl


Visit Scrippter Support Team for support requests or email us at


“Integrate Instamojo with Gravity Forms” is released under the GPLv3 license, same as that of WordPress. See the license file for the complete license text.