IP2Location Redirection

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About IP2Location Redirection

Redirects visitors to a blog page or a predefined URL based on their country and region geolocated using IP address.






updated: 10 months ago
since: 10 years ago
author: IP2Location


This plugin will NOT work if any cache plugin is enabled.

As the name suggests itself, IP2Location Redirection is one of the most favorite plugins recommended to handle the task of redirection on a website or a custom predefined URL based on country and region geolocated by IP address.

It is a very simple yet powerful redirection plugin that helps you to manage all your website redirects including 301 & 302 redirection. With the ability of detecting IP address geolocation information, it can redirect the visitors to another location with ease even if you are unfamiliar with Apache .htaccess files.

Key Features

  • Redirects visitors to a blog page based on their country and region
  • Redirects visitors to a predefined URL based on their country and region
  • Allows you to configure multiple redirection rules as needed
  • Supports 301 & 302 redirection
  • Supports IPv4 and IPv6
  • Reduce old or broken links and help your website with the SEO site rankings

This redirection plugin supports both IP2Location IP geolocation BIN data and web service for IP address geolocation lookup. If you are using the BIN data, you can update the BIN data every month by using the wizard on the settings page for the accurate result. Alternatively, you can also manually download and update the BIN data file using the below links:

BIN file download: IP2Location Commercial database | IP2Location LITE database

To use the IP2Location IP geolocation web service (REST API) for geolocation, you’ll need to register an account at IP2Location.io IP Geolocation API. A free plan is available.

More Information

Please visit us at https://www.ip2location.com