IP2Location Tags

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About IP2Location Tags

Displays visitor’s geolocation information, geo-targeting and customize the page content for different countries based on users location.






updated: 10 months ago
since: 15 years ago
author: IP2Location


IP2Location Tags helps you to serve specific content to website visitors based on geographic location for different countries and regions via IP address lookup.

This plugin provides a relatively easy way to detect visitors’ IP addresses and translate it into geolocation information, and then keep visitors better engaged with localized information or content that’s most relevant to them.

Key Features

  • Displays visitor’s’ information such as
    • Country code
    • Country name
    • Country flag
    • Region name
    • City name
    • Latitude and longitude
    • ZIP code
    • ISP
    • Domain name
    • Time zone
    • Net speed
    • IDD code
    • Area code
    • Weather station code & name
    • MNC, MCC, mobile carrier name
    • Elevation
    • Usage type
    • Address type
    • Category
  • Customize the page content based on country or region
  • Supports IPv4 and IPv6

This plugin supports both IP2Location IP geolocation BIN data and web service for IP geolocation lookup. If you are using the BIN data, you can update the BIN data every month by using the wizard on the settings page for the most accurate result. Alternatively, you can also manually download and update the BIN data file using the below links:

BIN file download: IP2Location Commercial database | IP2Location LITE database (free edition)

If you are using the IP2Location IP geolocation web service, please visit IP2Location Web Service for details.

Get visitor’s location information with Variable Tag

Usage example

Display visitor’s IP address, country name, region name and city name.
Your IP is {ip:ipAddress}
You are in {ip:countryName}, {ip:regionName}, {ip:cityName}

Geo-targeting: Customize the post content with IP2Location Tag

Syntax to show content for specific country
[ip:XX[,XX]..[,XX]]Your content here.[/ip]
Note: XX is a two-character ISO-3166 country code.

To show the content for United States or Canada visitors only.
[ip:US,CA]Only visitors from United States or Canada can view this line.[/ip]

Syntax to show content for specific country and region
[ip:XX:YY[,XX:YY]..[,XX:YY]]Your content here.[/ip]
Note: XX is a two-character ISO-3166 country code and YY is a ISO-3166-2 sub-division code.

To show the content for California or New York visitors only.
[ip:US:CA,US:NY]Only visitors from California or New York can view this line.[/ip]

Syntax to hide the content from specific country
[ip:*,-XX[,-XX]..[,-XX]]Your content here.[/ip]
Note: XX is a two-character ISO-3166 country code.

All visitors will be able to see the line except visitors from Vietnam.
[ip:*,-VN]All visitors will be able to see this line except visitors from Vietnam.[/ip]

Syntax to hide the content from specific country and region
[ip:*,-XX:YY[,-XX:YY]..[,-XX:YY]]Your content here.[/ip]
Note: XX is a two-character ISO-3166 country code and YY is a ISO-3166-2 sub-division code.

All visitors will be able to see the line except visitors from California.
[ip:*,-US:CA]All visitors will be able to see this line except visitors from California.[/ip]

More Information

Please visit us at https://www.ip2location.com