IQ Testimonials

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About IQ Testimonials

This plugin gives you the ability you to manage testimonials, add pictures to them, and let users submit them where they wait for approval.






updated: 10 years ago
since: 12 years ago
author: Roger MacRae


With IQ Testimonials, you can easily manage the testimonials for your website. You can specify the number of testimonials displayed on your WordPress site according to wether they are being displayed on a page or widget.

You can feature, sort, and set the status (Hidden, Pending, Public) of testimonials. There is even a form so your users can submit testimonials right on your website. Best of all, they are marked pending and require your approval before they go public!

There is a widget so you can display testimonials on your websites sidebar, using either our widget, or this tag one of the shortcodes. You can also have a testimonials page, where you display all your testimonials. You can set testimonials as featured testimonials and set the order in which they are displayed!

A few features:

  • Manage your testimonials. (Add, Edit, and Delete!)
  • Add images to the testimonials.
  • Set number of testimonials to display.
  • Collect the following information for each testimonial: Name, Location, Testimonial, Website, Image.
  • Set status of testimonial to “Public”, “Hidden”, or “Pending Approval”.
  • Display all public testimonials on a testimonials page, using our testimonials page shortcode
  • Allow visitors to submit testimonials through a web form. Just add the shortcode to the page where you’d like the submission form to appear!
  • Feature testimonials.
  • Option to Randomize testimonials.
  • Form options on the settings page so you can set which fields are required and which ones are not.
  • Form options on the settings page so you can select which fields to show or hide.
  • Testimonials on the widget can be dynamically rotated with a fade in and out effect.
  • And there is so much more to come in future releases.