WooCommerce Report

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About WooCommerce Report

Get the Most valuable reporting plugin you need to understand your data without drowning into it.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 2 years ago
author: iThemelandCo


WooCommerce Report Plugin helps you to prepare useful and practical reports from your store and easily analyze information about orders, products and customers.

Statistics, numbers and figures, sales volume, net profit and in general, sales information, are the basis of a store business. Perhaps one of the weaknesses of the WooCommerce system is its reporting part, which gives limited possibilities to online store owners.
With WooCommerce Reporting Plugin you can have a complete report of recent orders, sales order summary, product reviews, coupons, order status, warehouse, shipping, taxes, categories, etc. With WooCommerce Reporting Plugin you can get detailed reports View yourself and filter items to your liking.
In addition, we have a section for you where you can adjust your target sales (sales forecast). And at the end of the period, compare with your actual sales. Easily manage your store with reports and statistics from WooCommerce Reporting Plugin.

The reports of this plugin are in the form of diagrams and information includes: display of orders, inventory, tax report, report based on country and province, sales forecast, classification, summary of sales orders, display of top products, coupons, order status. it shines

Also, the Advanced WooCommerce Reporting plugin has a section where you can predict your income every month and compare it with your main income at the end of that month, and in this way you can get a good report on how your sales system works. With this feature, you can set goals to reach your desired income and increase your income with this roadmap.

Why is WooCommerce Reporting Plugin useful?

✅ Complete report of orders

With the help of this plugin you can prepare a complete report of orders with their details: order name, order status, order amount, net amount, shipping amount and…

✅ Advanced reports

There are various reports of customers, products, categories, orders, etc. in the WooCommerce auditor plugin so that you can report your store in any mode you want.

✅ Complete product report

You can see a report of full product details such as: product name, product category and..

✅ Category report

This advanced WooCommerce reporting plugin provides you with a complete report of categories such as: category name and..

✅ Tax and repayment report

Access useful reports without any calculations, with just one click

✅ Increasing product sales

If you want to increase your sales, you have to set goals and strive to achieve them. To this end, we provide an advanced report where you can compare your current and total sales so that you can find a new strategy to increase sales.

✅ Customer history report

Advanced WooCommerce Reporting plugin allows you to view a complete report of a customer history in a simple and organized environment.

✅ Powerful report of order details

All the details of your customers such as customer name, shipping address, invoice address and can be viewed with this plugin.

✅ Automatic sending of reports to email

If you want the summary of the store’s sales reports to be emailed to you automatically, it is possible to schedule the reports and the store’s reports will be sent to you at the exact same time.

✅ Advanced search filter

We have installed an advanced search filter in all parts of reporting so that you can easily get your reports, for example, in product sales reports, you can search which products were sold from which date to which date and based on which custom status.

✅ Getting Excel output from reports

In all sales reports, it is possible that you can get Excel output from the reports obtained from different reporting departments or print those reports directly.

✅ Display reports in graphs

Usually, for a better understanding and faster analysis of sales based on different reports, it is necessary to display the reports in a graph, that’s why we have put two types of bar and line graphs in all parts of reporting so that you can see the obtained reports in the graph.

Please check other videos in WooCommerce Report channel

Key Features

  • Principled and clean design
  • Fully responsive design
  • Simple user interface
  • Compatible with the latest version of WordPress
  • Compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce
  • RTL Support
  • Has a search system
  • Using the Bootstrap framework
  • Visual reports
  • Powerful dashboard
  • Preparing a complete report of orders
  • Compatible with other WooCommerce plugins
  • Tax report
  • It has a sales forecasting system
  • View reports in the form of bars and circles
  • The ability to provide complete reports for total registered customers, total guest customers, total coupons, total refunds, total taxes
  • Ability to display sales by day, month and year
  • Ability to search orders based on date, zip code, location, order status, product, category, order ID, customer, etc.
  • Ability to search products based on publication and delivery date, order status, product type, category, etc.
  • Support for right-to-left languages ​​(RTL)
  • The ability to send email notifications for reports of recent days, weeks, months, etc.
  • Ability to enable/disable the dashboard
  • The ability to set an alternative page instead of the dashboard page
  • Ability to set limited date for dashboard page
  • Ability to show/hide charts and maps from the dashboard
  • Ability to support multiple currencies
  • Ability to allow coupon reporting

Check demo version: Pro Version

Other Plugins

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