Joe's Recent Users Activity

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About Joe's Recent Users Activity

A mobile-responsive plugin showing the last 100 logged-in users & their last page in admin via a 'Recent Activity' menu.






updated: 8 months ago
since: 1 year ago
author: Joe Wakeford


A mobile responsive lightweight plugin displaying the most recent 100 logged-in users and their last viewed page in the admin area accessible via a ‘Recent Activity’ admin menu link.

  1. User ID – The user ID associated with the logged in party
  2. Username – The currently logged-in user’s username, linking to the user’s profile page
  3. Role – The user’s current role within the WordPress installation
  4. Last Page Viewed – The front-end page the user last viewed. Admin pages and callbacks are not logged, linking to the page itself
  5. IP Address – The user’s IP address
  6. Last Login – The date and time of the user’s most recent login using the date format set within the WordPress installation
  7. Time active – The time from the last login time to the most recenty viewed page

‘Top 10 Exited Pages’ shows the five most common pages for logged-in visitors to see before they leave the site.


A mobile responsive lightweight plugin displaying the most recent 100 logged-in users and their last viewed page in the admin area accessible via a ‘Recent Activity’ admin menu link. A section called, ‘Top 10 Exited Pages’ shows the ten most common pages for logged-in visitors to see before they leave the site.


None currently, but it is such a simple plugin there really is not much language to consider.

How to use the plugin?

  1. To see all the tracked records in admin, click on the plugin menu shown in the left sidebar.

Bug Fixes

If you find any bug, please create a topic with a step by step description to reproduce the bug.
Please search the forum before creating a new topic.


user log, log, logger, detector, tracker, membership, register, sign up, admin, subscriber, editor, contributor, geo location, profile, front end registration, manager, report, statistics, activity, user role editor

Third Party Code Integration

A PayPal Donate button is integrated into the plugin page if users would like to support the developer. The code used is shown at and PayPal’s privacy terms can be read at