Kento Ads Rotator

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About Kento Ads Rotator

Rotate Unlimited Banner at same ads zone and get serve, click, hover stats






updated: 9 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: KentoThemes


Randomize ads banners display to anywhere easy and get banners stats serve, click, hover report in which country, city, browser, operating system your banners viewed or clicked.

Live demo and documentation:

Plugin Features

  • Unlimited Banner Rotate.
  • Image & SWF or Flash Banners.
  • Display anywhere via shortcodes.
  • Get hover stats.
  • Get click Stats.
  • Get serve stats.
  • City & Country where your Banners Served, Mouse Hovered, clicked.
  • Get Browser And Operating System Stats where your Banners Served, Mouse Hovered, clicked.
  • All Slandered Banner Size.
  • Display Single or Group Banners.
  • Add unlimited ads group.
  • Auto Banners Upload.
  • Banner Ads preview .
  • Stats For Total Click, Total Hover, Total Serve.
  • Custom Brand Icon.
  • Custom Brand icon Upload.

SWF Banners click trace working only Chrome broswer.