Last Contacted

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About Last Contacted

Easily keep track of the last time you interacted with your contacts.






updated: 13 years ago
since: 13 years ago
author: Scott Reilly


Easily keep track of the last time you interacted with your contacts.

NOTE: This plugin is currently considered experimental. The implementation and/or interface may change, and features may be added or removed. Attempts will be made to ensure data viability through subsequent releases but is not guaranteed. Not recommended for use on a live production site.

This plugin allows for contacts and contact groups to be imported from Google Contacts (and in future releases, other contact services) into a WordPress installation. The contacts can then be managed to keep track of the details about your interactions with each contact. You can record:

  • Date you contacted the person
  • The method used to contact the person (email, IM, phone, in person)
  • A brief note about the interaction (optional)

Links: Plugin Homepage | Plugin Directory Page | Author Homepage


Thanks to (PC.DE)[] for the Berlin icons used by the plugin.

Thanks to Yusuke Kamiyamane, by way of Randy Jensen, for the Fugue icons used in the menus.



  • Properly report failed OAuth authentication
  • Extract import stuff from LastContacted and put into dedicated class
  • Remove non-sprited versions of sprited icons
  • Dashboard widget: reinstate hide contact button for dashboard


  • Prefix all CSS classes with “lc_”
  • Summarize stats for each import (when manually performed) (i.e. X groups added/removed, X contacts added/removed)?
  • Expose date for when group/contact first got imported?
  • Expose name of contact source for each contact?
  • Require registration of contact services (rather than having Google Contacts assumed)
  • Use wp_remote_get|post methods to contact Google
  • Display time since rather than date of last contact? (“5 days ago” vs “2011-11-01”)
  • Pseudo-cron (or at least expire) knowledge about contacts not having Gravatar


  • Allow access to contact history beyond most recent (popup? embedded listing that needs to be expanded?)
  • Show multiple email addresses for contact if there are more than one?
  • Support multiple contact sources
  • Recognize a contact from across multiple contact sources
    • Handle name collisions (may be same or different person)
    • Handle same contact with different name under each source (perhaps via manual merge capability)
  • Sparklines for frequency of contacting per contact
  • Support multiple users : either each user manages their own contacts (walled gardens) or one user is designated the master and all users share in contacting that person’s contacts (community garden) (i.e. so it can be a team tool)
  • Support addition (and removal) of contact methods