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About LePress

LePress is plugin for teachers/students, who use WordPress for their daily learning and teaching tasks like organizing courses and making assessments.






updated: 11 years ago
since: 13 years ago
author: Raido Kuli


LePress is an open-source plugin for WordPress, which turns WordPress into lightweight, distributed and personalised Learning Management System.

Teacher can use his/her LePress blog for setting up an online course, inviting/enrolling students to the course, managing and grading assignments. Every student should have his/her own LePress-enhanced blog in order to participate in such course. Enrolled students can follow the announcements of new assignments with help of LePress sidebar widget, submit their assignments as blog posts and receive feedback from the teacher in the form of comment. Assignment-related blog posts are tagged with dedicated category, allowing easy filtering. Both teacher and students can use the same blog for participating in several blog-based courses simultaneously.

The teachers can track, review and grade the submissions of the students conveniently using an aggregated summary page, just the same ways as they do it in a traditional grade book.

This is next release of LePress Teacher 1.0 and LePress Student 1.0 combined all in one solution. Completly rewritten plugin, with new features and tight integration with WordPress interface.