LESS Compiler

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About LESS Compiler

LESS compiler for WordPress. Allows you to write and compile LESS, and to edit style variables straight into your WordPress dashboard.






updated: 9 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Etienne Baudry


Write LESS, edit your variables and compile your stylesheet from your dashboard.

Read the documentation

  • Register and enqueue your LESS sheets the same way you would do for your CSS.


    wp_enqueue_style( ‘my-less-handle’, ‘http://example.com/css/mystyle.less’, $deps, $ver, $media );

  • Configure the plugin with the less_configuration filter.

    Configuration of the plugin is optional, but you should at least register your variables if you are using a CSS framework.

  • Set a LESS variable value


    less_set( $variable, $value );

  • Get a LESS variable value


    less_get( $variable );

You will most likely use these functions in your theme’s functions.php.

The plugin uses the Less.php Compiler.