LH Jetpack Related Posts

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About LH Jetpack Related Posts

Enables you to customise Jetpack Related post results through a GUI






updated: 6 years ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Peter Shaw


Ever wanted to control the results of Jetpack related posts without delving into code?

Well now you can!

You can not choose the post types that both appear in related post results and that those results appear on. You can also manually override whether related posts appear on any given post or page and in fact manually set the related posts that are displayed.

Features are:

  • Choose the post types that can appear as related posts results (Settings->related posts)
  • Choose the posts types that can have related posts appear on (Settings->related posts)
  • Choose whether any single post, page or CPT will display related post results (under the disable related post meta box in the editor)
  • Manually choose the individual related posts that will appear on any given post, page or CPT. Set under the related posts meta box in the editor
  • Choose a fallback image jetpack will use for related posts if onbe cannot be found in the post/page/cpt

Before reading any further

Please note this plugin requires the wordpress posts 2 posts plugin to be installed and activated to manually set individual related post results.