Linkvertise Script API

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About Linkvertise Script API

The Linkvertise Script API Plugin automatically monetizes the external links on your website.






updated: 4 years ago
since: 5 years ago
author: Linkvertise


The Linkvertise Script API Plugin automatically monetizes the external links on your website.

Earn money from visitors who want to leave your site – Perfect for forums, download portals, and blogs.

Install and activate the plugin, enter your Linkvertise-ID in Settings and easily earn money with links on your website.

All benefits at a glance:

  • Start immediately in one step
  • Automatic conversion of all external links into Linkvertise links
  • Automatic conversion of all new external links into Linkvertise links
  • Passive source of income
  • Good user experience of your website visitors

Please note:

  • This plugin only works if you have a Linkvertise account
  • The advertising settings of the links must still be set on the Linkvertise website