List Child Pages Shortcode

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About List Child Pages Shortcode

A simple plugin to add list of child pages within the content of a parent page.






updated: 5 years ago
since: 6 years ago
author: Douglas Karr


I could not find an easy plugin that enabled me to use a shortcode that would enable me to publish a list of child pages under a parent page. So, I built one.


Example 1: Order the child pages by publish date in descending order:
[listchildpages aclass=”” ifempty=”No child pages” orderby=”publish_date” order=”desc” displayimage=”no”]<h3>Here are our child pages:</h3>[/listchildpages]

Example 2: Order the child pages by title in ascending order with the page’s featured image aligned left:
[listchildpages aclass=”” ifempty=”No child pages” orderby=”title” order=”asc” displayimage=”YES” align=”alignleft”]<h3>Here are our child pages:</h3>[/listchildpages]

The shortcode accepts all of the Order and Orderby Parameters listed within the WordPress class reference.

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