Live Simple Clock

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About Live Simple Clock

Live Simple Clock is a real time display plugin. It takes into account time zones and hours system formats 24h and 12h (PM, AM).






updated: 4 years ago
since: 6 years ago
author: Armel Tissi


Live Simple Clock is a real time display plugin. It takes into account time zones and hours system formats 24h and 12h (PM, AM). With its short code you can display it anywhere on your site with precision.

This plugin is adjustable to the themes that is using responsive system.

Features Offered on this plugin are:

  • Displaying Real Time clock combination
  • Flexible settings for Realtime Clock combination
  • Basic Settings for Style and Design
  • Easy-to-understand settings
  • Applicable for responsive system themes

Features mentioned above will keep being developed and the functions also keep being improved adjusted to the development and the need.

Hopefully this plugin gives benefits for all of us.