Login Page Editor

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About Login Page Editor

Changing the WordPress login page styling has never been easier. The awesome DEVotion editor shows you what your login page will look like before you …






updated: 11 months ago
since: 2 years ago
author: DEVotion


Styling the WordPress login page has never been easier.

  • Style your WordPress login page in seconds
  • Live preview your design changes before you update
  • Reset the style back to the default with one click
  • Put the fun back into login page design
  • Save yourself time and money

What can I change?

  • Background colour and background image
  • Background image position and size
  • Logo image and size
  • Overlay colour and opacity
  • Form background, border and label color
  • Form border radius
  • Form field background, border and label color
  • Form field border radius
  • Button background, border and label color
  • Button border radius
  • Button hover style
  • Link color/hover color

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Tested on

  • Firefox (PC, MAC)
  • Safari (PC, MAC)
  • Google Chrome (PC, MAC)
  • Microsoft Edge (PC)
  • IOS Safari
  • Android Google Chrome