Login Page Logo Change

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About Login Page Logo Change

Login Page Logo Change - Allow you to add a custom logo to your WordPress login page instead of the default WordPress logo and also allows you to cust …






updated: 2 years ago
since: 2 years ago
author: Softices


Login Page Logo Change – Allow you to add a custom logo to your WordPress login page instead of the default WordPress logo and also allows you to customize the height, width, margin, and padding of the logo.

By default login page has a WordPress logo so when you add your custom logo to your login page, it will help to enhance your branding.

Features include:

  • Add your custom logo to the login page by uploading image from your local storage
  • Specify your logo image width in pixel
  • Specify your logo image height in pixel
  • Specify your logo image margin in pixel (Top, Left, Right, and Bottom)
  • Specify your logo image padding in pixel (Top, Left, Right, and Bottom)