LSX Team

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About LSX Team

Use the LSX Team plugin to show your website visitors the faces and names behind the business, and tell them about yourself and your team members.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 6 years ago
author: LightSpeed


The LSX Team plugin adds a Team post type to your website for adding staff members or creating profiles for people on your website. You can add a bio, contact details, job information, location, and social handles for each Team Member.

People like to see a face behind a business, it gives you a more personal, approachable relationship with your users.

The LSX Team plugin integrates with LSX Testimonials and LSX Projects if you are using these plugins. Linking a Team Member to a project or testimonial can be a simple solution for showing your potential customers your portfolio of work.

Use the LSX Blocks plugin to get a Team block for building your pages more easily. Control the layout of your team posts in the block settings.

View a demo of the LSX Team plugin

Works with the LSX Theme

This plugin is developed to extend the functionality of the LSX Theme. You can download the LSX Theme on –


We have extensive documentation on all our plugins and theme functionality. This allows you to take control of your website setup and design to your needs:


Contact the LightSpeed for assistance via the LSX support form.

If you are experiencing issues with the LSX plugin, please log any bug issues you are having on the LSX Team Issues page.


Extensible, adaptable, and open source — LSX Team is created with theme and plugin developers in mind. If you’re interested to jump in the project, there are opportunities for developers at all levels to get involved.

If you’re a developer who’s spotted a bug issue and have a fix, or simply have the functionality you think would extend our core theme, we are always happy to accept your contribution! Visit the LSX Team on Github and submit a Pull Request with your updates.


Full changelog available on [Github](