LuckyWP Cookie Notice (GDPR)

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LuckyWP Cookie Notice (GDPR) Icon

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About LuckyWP Cookie Notice (GDPR)

The plugin allows you to notify visitors about the use of cookies (necessary to comply with the GDPR in the EU).






updated: 4 years ago
since: 5 years ago
author: LuckyWP


The “LuckyWP Cookie Notice (GDPR)” plugin allows you to notify visitors about the use of cookies (necessary to comply with the GDPR in the EU).

Plugin will show a notice with button “Accept”, button “Reject” (optionally) and link “Read more…” (optionally). After user click on “Accept” or “Reject” notice hidden. Support “Show Again” tab.


  • Customizable notice message and button labels
  • Customizable template (bar or box)
  • Customizable position
  • Customizable appearance
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Support “Show Again” tab
  • Option: scripts for users who have given consent
  • Option: cookie expire
  • Option: reload page after buttons “Accept” or “Reject” click
  • Caching plugins support (WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache, WP Fastest Cache, LiteSpeed Cache, WP Rocket, …)

For programmers

To get the cookie notice status in PHP use lwpcng_cookies_accepted() or lwpcng_cookies_rejected() functions.