Mage Google Maps

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About Mage Google Maps

WordPress Google Maps plugin with automatic single/multi address marker display via custom meta & shortcode.






updated: 7 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Mage Cast


Automatically display Google Maps with multiple location markers in your category/archive or single marker maps on single pages via addresses from custom fields on posts or custom post types.

Newest Features

You can now preview the map from the add/edit screens of corresponding post types.

Features Include

  • Create Single Maps with simple address entry
  • OR make automatic map address markers from post type content
  • Display using super simple Widgets and Shortcodes
  • Simply add Map to sidebar, any post types and custom taxonomy archives
  • Auto shifts from multi-address or single-address display based placement
  • Change any default settings and behaviour simply in admin options
  • Easily change width, height and designs of any maps
  • Customize Zoom, User Interface and more without any coding
  • Custom Post Type & Taxonomy Compatible
  • Choose what content a Map should take an address from with a click

Simple Map Shortcode

Display your Google Map anywhere using the [map] shortcode and choose a default address if not address is found in content from the plugin options, or simply type one using address, for example: [map address=”Mountain View, CA”].

Choose Auto Map Marker creation from plugin settings, choose posts, pages and/or any custom post types and custom fields you want to use.