Magic Login Mail

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About Magic Login Mail

Enter your email address, and send you an email with a magic link to login without a password.






updated: 10 months ago
since: 3 years ago


Enter your email address, and send you an email with a magic link to login without a password.


  • Login with email address only.
  • Only registered users can login.
  • Password-less login from the magic link notified in the email.
  • shortcode : [magic_login]
  • action hook : do_action( 'magic_email_send', $emails | array, true | bool ) : To send the magic link simultaneously from the management account.


  • This plugin is a modified version of Passwordless Login.
  • The main changes are the addition of various filter hooks and the addition of the following action hooks.

Action hook

  • This is for sending bulk e-mails with a magic link for login to multiple accounts from the management screen.
  • When using this action hook, the URL of the page where the shortcode [magic_login] is placed should be specified in the filter hook ‘magic_login_mail_url’.
/** ==================================================
 * To send the magic link simultaneously from the management account.
 * @param array  $emails  Multiple email addresses.
 * @param bool   true  Output notifications to the management screen immediately after sending.
do_action( 'magic_email_send', $emails, true );

Filter hooks

/** ==================================================
 * Filter for magic link url with mail.
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_url', function(){ return 'url'; }, 10, 1 );
/** ==================================================
 * Currently logged in user link for Magic Login Mail
 * @param string $url  URL.
 * @param int    $user_id  User ID.
 * @return $url
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_user_redirect', 'redirect_url_login_users', 10, 2 );

/** ==================================================
 * Login user after redirect for Magic Login Mail
 * @param string $url  URL.
 * @param int    $user_id  User ID.
 * @return $url
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_after_login_redirect', 'redirect_url_login_users', 10, 2 );

function redirect_url_login_users( $url, $user_id ){
    /* your code */
    return $url;
/** ==================================================
 * Filter for message with shortcode form.
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_success_link_msg', function(){ return 'Message for success.'; }, 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_success_login_msg', function(){ return 'Message for success with login.'; }, 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_valid_errors', function(){ return 'Message for mail validation error.'; }, 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_email_errors', function(){ return 'Message for sent mail error.'; }, 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_invalid_token_error', function(){ return 'Message for token error.'; }, 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_form_label', function(){ return 'Message for form label.'; }, 10, 1 );
/** ==================================================
 * Filter for color with shortcode form.
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_success_link_msg_back_color', function(){ return '#e7f7d3'; }, 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_success_login_msg_back_color', function(){ return '#e7f7d3'; }, 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_valid_errors_back_color', function(){ return '#ffebe8'; }, 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_email_errors_back_color', function(){ return '#ffebe8'; }, 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_invalid_token_error_back_color', function(){ return '#ffebe8'; }, 10, 1 );
/** ==================================================
 * Filter for input text size.
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_input_size', function(){ return 17; }, 10, 1 );
/** ==================================================
 * Filter for class name.
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_form_class_name', function(){ return 'myform'; }, 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_label_class_name', function(){ return 'mylabel'; }, 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_input_class_name', function(){ return 'myinput'; }, 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_submit_class_name', function(){ return 'mysubmit'; }, 10, 1 );
/** ==================================================
 * Filter for message with mail.
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_subject', function(){ return 'subject'; }, 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_message', function(){ return 'Message with magic link.'; }, 10, 1 );
/** ==================================================
 * Filter for login expiration.
add_filter( 'magic_login_mail_expiration', function(){ return 10; }, 10, 1 );