Mail Mage

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About Mail Mage

Recover Abandoned WooCommerce cart emails, send WooCommerce Product reminder emails, Automate your WordPress marketing workflows to help convert, reta …






updated: 1 year ago
since: 3 years ago
author: Mail Mage


Easily create marketing automations such as recovering abandoned WooCommerce carts, Send out WooCommerce review reminder emails and many other types of WooCommerce follow up emails can be created with ease.

Creating automations simply by choosing and configuring when to trigger, how long to wait before sending, and customising what email is sent using template variables to inject data captured from the event.


  • Send emails when post, page or custom post type statuses change.
  • Send emails when on user registration.
  • Send emails on a Monthly, Weekly or Daily schedule.
  • Send emails when a WooCommerce order status is changed.
  • Send emails when a WooCommerce cart is declared abandoned.
  • Send emails when a WooCommerce subscription status changes.
  • Send email immediatly when an event is triggered, delay sending of emails by a minimum amount of time, or send emails on a monthly, weekly, or daily schedule.
  • Create emails using WordPress, WooCommerce or custom email templates.
  • Allow users to unsubscribe from future emails.
  • Create email messages using text variables, View a full list of available text variables
  • Send preview emails.


WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery emails

Create and send targeted emails to customers who have left without completing their purchases, once their cart has been declared as abandoned (cart is left dormant for 1 hour and email address has been captured).

Studies carried out in 2020 on average show that the rate of cart abandonment online ranges between 55-80%, with abandoned cart recovery emails some reports suggest on average a 15% recovery rate.

View abandoned cart recovery email example

WooCommerce product reminder emails

Increase the amount of WooCommerce product reviews, by automatically generating targeted customer emails listing purchased products each with a review link, scheduling the sending of emails after an order has been marked as complete.

View review reminder email example