Maintenance Mode | Coming soon & Under Construction

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About Maintenance Mode | Coming soon & Under Construction

A Complete Maintenance Mode & coming soon plugin for WordPress. Create a simple Maintenance Mode or coming soon Page in few easy steps.






updated: 5 years ago
since: 5 years ago
author: Arrow Plugins


Create a simple Maintenance Mode or coming soon Page in few easy steps. Work on your site in private while visitors see a “Maintenance Mode” or “Coming soon” page.

Benefits & Features :

  • Works with any WordPress Theme
  • Responsive
  • Customize the Look and Feel
  • Easily add Custom CSS and HTML
  • Uses HTML5 & CSS3
  • Translation Ready, i18n Support
  • Multisite Support
  • BuddyPress Support
  • Uses WordPress Best Practices
  • Works with any WordPress theme
  • Visible only to non logged in users
  • Mobile Ready responsive design and layout
  • Custom Look & Feel with no coding
  • Full Browser Backgrounds option
  • Social Profiles & Social Sharing Buttons
  • Store Emails in the WordPress Database to export to any email service
  • Progress bar with automatic completion calculationrt
  • Option to enable template responsiveness
  • Custom Footer Branding
  • Custom Favicon
  • Custom CSS Support
  • Import/Export Settings for backup or re-use purposes
  • Multisite Support
  • HTML5 & CSS3 which degrades gracefully for older browsers
  • Add custom Logo of your business
  • Change headline for your message
  • Add custom text description for the user
  • Add branding in the footer of your company
  • Optional setting to show our branding “ArrowPlugins”
  • Add custom Favicon
  • Custom SEO title for your page
  • Custom SEO Meta Description or Meta Tags
  • Private bypass URL to check page
  • Change background color of the maintenance mode page
  • Add Background Image to your maintenance mode page
  • Add Backgroud Video to your maintenance mode page for your business advertisement
  • Option to repeat the Background Video
  • Option to make Background responsive
  • Responsive size option
  • Option to change the Text Color
  • Option to change the links Color
  • Option to change the Headline font color text and size
  • Change Font option for the headline
  • Option to change the Footer text font color text and size
  • Change Font option for the Footer Text
  • Change the Notify me button text color and size with font
  • Show your social profiles on the maintenance mode page
  • Add your social icons on the maintenance mode page
  • Email notifications and their custom text and button settings
  • Custom Templates which are pre-build for you
  • Progress Bar option
  • Time Zone settings
  • Date formats
  • Countdown Timers
  • Alert lists
  • Option to Export CSV for mailing list
  • Live Preview option to see changes before saving
    and much more….