Maintenance Page

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About Maintenance Page

Allows you to quickly create a maintenance/coming-soon page. Use this plugin whenever your site is down for maintenance or undergoing development.






updated: 7 months ago
since: 9 years ago
author: ThemeGrill


Allows you to quickly create a maintenance/coming-soon page. You can use this plugin whenever your site is down for maintenance, currently going any upgrade or is in development. Built in options panel to add logo, background image, social icons, color, subscribe field and many more.

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Features And Options:

  • Responsive design looks great on your devices.
  • Logo Upload
  • Background image/color option
  • Subscriber Feature to collect emails
  • Download subscriber list as csv
  • Social icons
  • Font Color option
  • Add title, text message option
  • Option to exclude page
  • Custom CSS

Maintenance Page Pro:

  • Counter
  • Contact Form
  • MailChimp integration
  • Ip Whitelist
  • Background Slider
  • Background Video
  • Progress Bar
  • Google font option
  • Analytic Code Option
  • Role Based access
  • Font size option
  • About Page

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