We'll create fresh WordPress site with Mal Membership installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Mal Membership allows for a members only section and ability to hold contests.
A description of the table structure ( out of date do not rely on this )
Table: mal_contest
ID = auto increment number
status = pending,active,completed,cancelled
start_date = the date/time the contest starts format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
end_date = the date/time the contest ends format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Table: mal_members
ID = auto increment number
status = pending,active,disabled
Table: mal_prize
ID = auto increment number
status = pending,active,disabled
contest_id = ID of the mal_contest this is associated to
Table: mal_contest_data
( This table has all the details regarding the contest )
ID = auto increment number
contest_id = ID of the mal_contest this is associated to
value = description
Table: mal_member_data
( This table has all the details regarding the member )
ID = auto increment number
user_id = ID of the mal_contest this is associated to
value = description of member
Table: mal_prize_data
( This table has all the details regarding the prize )
ID = auto increment number
prize_id = ID of the mal_contest this is associated to
value = description of prize
Table: Javascript for date/time
Please let me know if you have any questions. [email protected]