Manage User Avatar

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About Manage User Avatar

WP Manage User Avatar plugin allows you to set your users avatar and select a uniform avatar theme for all users. You can set a avatar from the initia …






updated: 3 years ago
since: 3 years ago
author: Escaleta


Do you want a simple amd uniform avatar theme for your users?

Is yes, then consider using this plugin.
The initial letter of the username is taken and the image of this letter is set as an avatar for the user.

Where are these images are stored?

  • Go to the plugin folder /wp-content/plugins/escaleta-wp-avatar/assets/avatars/alphabets and ta-da you found all the images from A to Z.
  • Images are named simply by letters (e.g. a.png, b.png, etc)
  • You can also place your own images with same names so that the plugin will take it and set as a user avatar.

Do you have a suggestion?

  • We are still in a development of this plugin. We want to improve and provide an added value to our users with each update of this plugin.
  • Your valuable feedback, suggestion and even a samll comment will point us in the right direction.
  • Please write to us at [email protected]