Manual Completions TutorLMS

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About Manual Completions TutorLMS

Manual Completions for Tutor LMS lets you check completion as well as manually mark courses, lessons and quizzes as complete.






updated: 6 months ago
since: 6 months ago


Manual Completions for Tutor LMS provides a very simple interface to check completion as well as manually mark courses, lessons and quizzes as complete.

You can use it for single completions as well as for bulk completions of hundreds of users. In one click, get all the enrolled users in the course.

You can also upload a CSV files with user_id, course_id, lesson_id, quiz_id. To quickly list all the completions, and then process them in bulk in any order you want.

You can also bypass completions blocked by GrassBlade xAPI Companion for xAPI Contents.

– If you have an LRS, you can see tracking data, including the user id and name of the admin who marked the lesson complete.

Requirements to use this plugin:
To use this plugin you need these two plugins:
1. Tutor LMS
2. GrassBlade xAPI Companion

Other Manual Completion Plugins:
Manual Completions for LearnDashLMS
Manual Completions for LifterLMS
Manual Completions for LearnPress

Related Plugins for TutorLMS:
* Experience API for TutorLMS
* Visibility Control for TutorLMS