MG – Instamojo for GiveWP

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About MG – Instamojo for GiveWP

Accept donations with GiveWP using Instamojo payment gateway in India.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 3 years ago
author: Mehul Gohil


Integrate GiveWP with Instamojo payment gateway available in India.

Note: This plugin supports one-time donations only. Recurring donations will be supported in the next release which will be compatible with Recurring Donations add-on by GiveWP.

πŸ‘‰ Free Forever

I’m a WordPress enthusiast and strongly believe in open-source contributions – that’s why I’m releasing the Instamojo for GiveWP plugin for free, forever.

You can easily accept donations in India using GiveWP with Instamojo payment gateway.

πŸ‘‰ Contribute to the plugin

This plugin is proudly open source (GPL license) and we’re always looking for more contributors. Whether you know another language, can code like no one’s business, or just have an idea, we would love your help and input.

Here’s a few ways you can contribute:

  • 🌟 Star/fork/watch the GitHub repository to learn more about what issues we’re tackling and the project is developing. If you’ve never worked with Github before, learn about pull requests here and submit one for Instamojo for GiveWP, we’d love to give you our feedback.

  • Translate Instamojo for GiveWP into your native language. The best place to do that is here on Go to, then search for your language, click the “Plugins” tab, then search for “Instamojo for GiveWP”. When you’ve submitted at least 95% of Instamojo for GiveWP’s strings, the language moderators will review and approve your translations and then they will be available to all WordPress users for your native language.