We'll create fresh WordPress site with MijnPress onderhoud installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Plugin used for maintenance clients, prevents clients from breaking sites
Requires: ‘Limit-Login-Attempts’, ‘Sucuri-scanner’, ‘WP-security-audit-log’
* this (array of plugins) is filterable: mijnpress_onderhoud_user_has_cap
Disables: Online file editor
Revokes permissions for non-main admins: ‘activate_plugins’, ‘edit_plugins’, ‘install_plugins’, ‘update_plugins’, ‘delete_plugins’, ‘delete_themes’, ‘switch_themes’, ‘edit_themes’
* this (array of permissions to revoke) is filterable: mijnpress_onderhoud_user_has_cap
* this (main admin array) is filterable: mijnpress_onderhoud_main_admins
Uses TGM-Plugin-Activation to force plugin installs, thanks Thomas Griffin, Gary Jones, Juliette Reinders Folmer!
Coding by: MijnPress.nl Twitter profile More plugins