Mindmeister Shortcode

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About Mindmeister Shortcode

Mindmeister Shortcode enables the embeding of online mindmap in your post content.






updated: 14 years ago
since: 14 years ago
author: Oncle Tom


This plugin provides an easy way to embed Mindmeister plugins within your posts, page or whatever custom types you use.

It is pretty straightforward, with both lazy and complete way.


Copy and paste any URL for the [mindmeister url="MINDMAP_URL"] shortcode.

Currently works with these mindmap URLs (the MINDMAP_URL string above):

  • Private URL (http://www.mindmeister.com/ID/SLUG)
  • Public URL (http://www.mindmeister.com/maps/show/ID)
  • Embed URL (http://www.mindmeister.com/maps/public_map_shell/ID, http://www.mindmeister.com/maps/public_map_shell/ID/SLUG)

Alternatively, you can use only the ID if you feel comfortable enough with this syntax:

  • [mindmeister id="ID"]
  • [mindmeister]ID[/mindmeister]


They work at any time:

  • id: ID of the Mindmeister mindmap
  • url: URL of the Mindmeister mindmap
  • height: desired height of the displayed mindmap (numeric, in pixel)
  • width: desired width of the displayed mindmap (numeric, in pixel)
  • zoom: desired zoom of the displayed mindmap (numeric, between 0 and 10)

You need at least either of url or id arguments to procude a working shortcode.
If WP_DEBUG is enabled, error message will be traced through WP_Error.


  • Parse the URL to automatically detect width, zoom and height
  • Provide admin settings to customize default width, zoom and height
  • Provide admin settings to filter the display upon post format and feeds
  • Provide filters for attributes and outputing