Misspelling Reporter

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About Misspelling Reporter

Allows users to highlight misspelled text and report to the site/article admins. Inspired by #BeachPress 2013






updated: 11 years ago
since: 11 years ago
author: Ben Lobaugh


Inspired by Eric Meyer, Imagined by #BeachPress 2013, Doubted yet contributed by Joey Kudish, we bring you Misspelling Reporter!

Misspelling Reporter allows site visitors to highlight a misspelled word on your site and click
the message that pops up to alert the site admin and post author of the misspelling.

How to use:
* Install and activate plugin
* Visit a single post
* Highlight a word
* Click the report button that appears in the upper left

Help make this plugin better!

Have an idea or want to help with translations? Head over to Github and send us a pull request! https://github.com/blobaugh/misspelling-reporter