MobiCow Mobile Ads

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About MobiCow Mobile Ads

Adds MobiCow publisher code to your site






updated: 10 years ago
since: 12 years ago
author: MobiCow


The MobiCow Mobile Ads plugin enables full page mobile ads on your wordpress site with out modifying your template files. The beauty of the MobiCow platform is that there are no banners to add to your pages. Elegant full-page mobile ads are delivered to your mobile visitors already optimized for the specific device and operating system. Standard web browsing on your site goes undisturbed. Let us do the hard work of detecting, targeting, and filling all your mobile traffic.

Since traditional Ad networks do not monetize mobile traffic on the fly your website is potentially loosing money!

Start earning more from your mobile visitors and join mobiCow Now.

Compatible with : WordPress Mobile Pack, BAAP Mobile Version, WP Mobile Detector, Duda Mobile Website Builder, Mobile Detector and any other mobile plugin for wordpress