iPhone / Mobile Admin

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About iPhone / Mobile Admin

Gives a mobile-friendly admin UI to browsers by user agent, using a plugin architecture. Includes support for iPhone/iPod-Touch.






updated: 16 years ago
since: 17 years ago


Mobile Admin adapts the WordPress admin UI to be more friendly to mobile devices, specifically phones.

The iPhone / iPod Touch browser was the first target, but most other mobile browsers are supported at a basic level, and plugins can be used to customize for specific browsers where desired.

A plugin for the iPhone/iPod Touch devices is included, as well as a more basic plugin for Windows Mobile browsers. (Consider the latter a “beta”, but it’s mostly intended to be another sample for how to write a plugin.)

Most common WordPress admin features are supported:

  • Dashboard sections: Incoming Links, Comments, Posts, Blog Stats
  • Writing and editing posts (including auto-save)
  • Tagging support in 2.3
  • Comment Moderation
  • Manage Posts page
  • Manage Profile page
  • Ability to toggle back and forth to the normal admin view.
  • Support for plugins that include fields on the post page
  • Compatibility with existing library of admin plugins

… with more to come in later revisions.

Patches are welcome and encouraged; if you’ve got a better looking / better working customization for any particular device, please submit it (via a Trac ticket – see below for link).

Other resources

Please submit all usage questions to the support forums

The Trac server can be used for viewing changes and submitting tickets

SPECIAL NOTE – Testing and bug reporting is especially encouraged, as only one of us currently owns an iPhone.


  • To Mark Jaquith for the inspiration of the Clutter Free plugin
  • To Alex King for the mobile browser check function
  • To Dr Dave for the inspiration for the plugin architecture