Multi Branch for WooCommerce

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About Multi Branch for WooCommerce

WooCommerce plugin for configuring store with multiple branches.






updated: 11 months ago
since: 2 years ago
author: Condless


WooCommerce plugin for configuring store with multiple branches.

Documentation | Contact

How To Use

  1. Plugin settings: Choose the Shipping Methods Users and the Branches Shipping Methods
  2. Product edit screen (Multi Branch tab): Insert the Shipping Methods instance id’s which the product can be provided by
  3. Branches shortcode: Embed the [mbw_branches] shortcode in your header to allow the customer to select his branch

How It Works

  1. The customer select his branch before shopping
  2. Only the products which can be provided by the shipping methods of the selected branch are displayed
  3. On order creation the new order notification will be sent to the relevant Shipping Methods Users and only them will be able the see it on the orders screen


  • Conditional Content: Display content per branch using the mbw-restrict-branch-{branch_id} class
  • Add to cart Notice: Notice will appear if the customer add to cart product which can not be provided by the selected branch
  • Checkout Validation: Notice will appear if the cart contains items which can not be provided by the selected shipping method
  • Orders manager Role: Assign the orders manager role to users which should be able only to edit orders in the store